WordPress Theme Update

1. Content Backup

Updating of the theme does not delete any content you have, but we still strongly recommend you to make  a content backup. The regular backup is also recommended before updating any plugins. The backup can be done using the built-in Unyson:

Tools -> Backup -> Create Content Backup

In case you have issues with using built-in method you can try to use additional plugins:

All these measures required only for critical errors and we never encountered such a situation, but making a backup before any major update is always a good idea.

2. Theme Backup

The backup of the old theme version may be required in cases you have modified original theme files or have contacted our developers with request of customization which requires any modification of theme. In this case we recommend you to have backup of theme and plugin files.

Tools -> Backup -> Create Full Backup

You can also use FTP manager to create a local copy of:
/wp-content/plugins/lt-ext/ (for WPBakery themes)
/wp-content/plugins/lte-ext/ (for Elementor themes)

3. Envato Market Theme Update

The most easy way to update the theme is using the Envato Market plugin. All our themes include it:

It has detailed instruction in Help Tab and you need to connect your site with Envato Account using the Envato token:

After adding a token you will have your themes list and possibility to update them using the Update Available link:

After theme update you also may need to check Plugins menu and make sure all theme required plugins are also up to date,
especially LT-Ext or LTE-Ext. In case an update required you will be asked to do it.

4. Manual Theme Update

In case you do not want to update the theme using the Envato Market plugin, you can use a manual method.

This method also does not delete any content data you have, but as always we recommend you to create a backup before.

5. FTP Theme Update

If you are familiar with FTP client the updating process can be easily done by uploading unpacked theme files to the /wp-content/themes/your-theme/ and replacing old ones:

This method updates the whole theme without affecting your content and copying of old theme files before update is also strongly recommended.

6. After Theme Update

All your content is stored in a database and theme update only changes files of the theme. But we still recommend to check these possible issues after the theme or plugins update:

In case you encounter any issue and need help from our team, feel free to contact us by email like.themes.wp@gmail.com. Please note that answering time could be up to 1-2 business days and we need your purchase code.